Personal Trainer Certification



Transform lives as a Certified Personal Trainer, using your expertise to motivate, educate, and instruct others to reach their fitness goals.

Online | Self-Paced | Complete in 6 Months or Less | Digital Textbooks Included

Become a Certified Personal Trainer Online in 6 Months or Less

Become industry recognized with AFPA and build the life-changing career you’re proud of.


  • 78.6 million people in the United States are obese. That’s more than 1 in 3 Americans.
  • The average personal trainer salary is $59,449 with 300,000 fitness trainer jobs forecasted in the U.S. by 2026.
  • A career as a personal trainer can be highly rewarding because you’re seeing results one workout and one client at a time.

Now is the perfect time to make your move! Enroll in AFPA’s personal training course today.

Become a Certified Personal Trainer in 6 Months or Less

What’s The AFPA Personal Trainer Program All About?

The AFPA Personal Trainer Certification program provides an unprecedented, evidence-based, professional training in Health, Fitness, Nutrition and Performance.

What’s It Like Being a Certified Personal Trainer?

Learn how to design workout programs as a Certified Personal Trainer

As an AFPA Certified Fitness Trainer, you’ll have the confidence, resources, and industry-leading expertise to effectively:

  • Employ the communication skills needed in personal fitness instruction
  • Apply the principles of exercise science, human anatomy, and biomechanics to movement design and exercise instruction
  • Name and describe exercise testing procedures to assess cardiorespiratory function, body composition, muscular fitness, and flexibility and give suggestions for improvement in these areas
  • Design educationally-based fitness programs to include cardiovascular training, resistance training, and flexibility programs
  • Demonstrate the proper usage of various commercial fitness machines and equipment, utilizing appropriate exercise guidelines and spotting techniques
  • Differentiate between appropriate exercise principles and practices for adults, children, and older populations
  • Discuss exercise testing and training modifications for special populations
  • Identify the business fundamentals of administration, marketing, and management in personal training
  • Operate as a personal trainer in the health and fitness industry and uphold the AFPA Code of Ethics


Join over 130,000 AFPA certified professionals worldwide.

With a 29-year legacy of accredited expertise, AFPA is a frontrunner in nutrition and wellness programs. We’re proud to offer the best variety of flexible, affordable, and accessible programs on the market.

Becoming an AFPA Certified Personal Trainer will allow you to use your expertise to motivate, educate, and instruct others to reach and exceed their fitness goals.

Why Become a Certified Personal Trainer Through AFPA?

AFPA’s online Personal Trainer Certification program has been voted a Top 10 Best Personal Trainer Certification by both LiveStrong and Huffington Post.

Study Anywhere At Your Own Pace

Enjoy the freedom to study on your own time from anywhere in the world.

Study guidelines, easy to follow modules and assignments to keep you on track. Take the test online when you’re ready!

Affordable and Flexible Payment Options

Get certified without breaking the bank.

Our certifications cost significantly less than degree programs, so they’re affordable programs with minimum financial risk.

Financing options are available for all AFPA certification programs.

Kickstart Your Career with Included Client Resources

Support doesn’t stop once you’re certified.

You get exclusive access to yoga instructor forms, meditative script samples, lesson plans, sample classes, and bonus resources to ensure your success to start your career.

All Learning Materials Included

Your tuition covers everything.

Discover everything inside this program below.

Business Resources Included

Upon enrollment, we provide you with exclusive access to resources to help you establish, optimize, grow, and build your holistic business.

Unlimited Student Support

Call, email, or chat with our educational advisors as often as you need before, during, and even after enrollment.

AFPA is recognized nationally and internationally as a leader in fitness, wellness, and nutrition education and certification.

Earning your AFPA Personal Trainer Certification online is the first step in gaining the knowledge to successfully train various populations,  as well as to gain professional recognition and financial rewards. You will learn all the important information necessary to get you started as a Certified Personal Trainer.


What You’ll Get:

This personal training course has been developed by trusted, experienced professionals who are experts in their field.

You’ll gain access to an abundance of materials that will provide you with all of the knowledge, core skills, confidence, and tools that you’ll need to begin your journey as a Certified Personal Trainer.

  • All course materials
    • Course textbooks
    • Chapter outlines and chapter study guides
  • Online video library: 24 lessons
  • Online learning activities
  • Practice quizzes and self assessments
  • Online final exam
  • Includes blueprint for increasing your potential income: “How to Start a Successful Online Personal Trainer Business”
  • Descriptions and demonstrations of over 150 exercises
  • Anatomical guides
  • Ready-to-use exercise programs
  • Forms, worksheets, checklists and client questionnaires
Work in a gym as an AFPA Certified Personal Trainer

A Look Inside The Curriculum:

Module 1: Scientific Foundations of Physical Activity & Performance Answer

Kick off with exploring functional anatomy and biomechanics as it relates to fitness performance, health, and longevity. You’ll also examine dietary intake and essential nutrients, energy requirements for activities, and physiology, including metabolic, cardiovascular, and respiratory responses to exercise as well as understanding muscle structure and function.

Module 2: Fitness Assessment Answer

Learn how to properly conduct an assessment of cardiorespiratory fitness and graded exercise tests to apply with future clients. You’ll assess body composition, muscular fitness, flexibility, range of motion, and spinal function and study the procedures for test exercises on different individuals.

Module 3: Exercise Prescription for Health, Fitness, and Performance Answer

You’ll cover how to accurately prescribe exercise for a variety of needs and desired results, such as managing weight, increasing muscular fitness, enhancing flexibility and low-back function, and training for performance and events.

Module 4: Exercise Prescription for Special Populations Answer

Discern how to scientifically measure fitness and prescribe appropriate exercise recommendations for children and youth, older adults, women, people with heart disease, obese and/or diabetic clients, and those living with pulmonary disease.

Module 5: Comprehensive Exercise Program Considerations Answer

Dive into all aspects of effective personal training coaching. Topics include:

  • How to assist in client behavioral change and enhance sustained motivation through health and fitness counseling
  • ECG and exercise performance
  • Preventing and treating injuries

Module 6: Bodyweight Training Program Design Answer

Begin developing programs that incorporate and/or isolate particular muscles. You’ll learn how to structure workouts for all major muscle groups, as well as design metabolic training programs such as HIIT and MRT that feature whole body exercises. As you plan out programs, you’ll discover how aspects such as structural balance, training goals, sport-specific training, strength hypertrophy body part specialization, fat-loss training, split, frequency, volume, and periodization all work together.

Module 7: Muscle, Strength, Speed, and Performance Program Design Answer

You’ll learn the key principles behind functional training and will be able to design programs that incorporate a wide-range of exercises. Topics include:

  • Types of resistance exercise, total-body power exercises, cross-body exercises, and compound and isolated exercises
  • Movement-speed and movement-strength training
  • Types of cardio conditioning and metabolic conditioning protocols
  • Upper body, lower body, and core exercises
  • Performance programming, muscle programming, and custom programming

As an AFPA Certified Personal Trainer, you’ll graduate having world-class educational development, apt professionalism, and the confidence to effectively change lives through your leading-edge expertise in fitness and health.

How Long Does It Take to Complete the AFPA Certified Personal Trainer Program?

Typically, it takes 100 hours.

Completion time varies by individual, but most students can become a competent Certified Personal Trainer in less than six months when studying 7-10 hours a week.

This Program Is Perfect For Anyone Who Is:

  • Just starting out in the health, fitness, or wellness industry
  • Passionate about healthy living and considering a career change
  • Looking to deepen their knowledge of fitness, anatomy, nutrition, and exercise
  • Entrepreneurially-spirited and interested in starting a business
Help clients reach their fitness goals as a Certified Personal Trainer

130000+ students certified

29+ years of excellence in education

30+ certification programs offered

98.9% student satisfaction

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Customer Reviews

Based on 73 reviews
ricardo arana bedoy

Good staff!

Michelle Melachrinos
I'm so excited.

I have been in a place of personal reset and since I took your training with holistic nutritionist and continue to certify it's been hard to market myself. But I learned to apply what you taught me and coupled with some other things I have learned I know the next move is the personal trainer certification. So thank you for the chance to be able to begin to mentor people. I'm trying to put my own personal testimony together called my personal Reset I had this started seven months before I ever checked into this and so imagine the encouragement I received when the beginning of the class they talked about reset. Thank you for your continued guidance have a blessed day.

Dual certification is an exciting endeavor, Michelle! Congratulations on your Holistic Nutritionist Certification and best of luck in your Personal Trainer Certification program! We're here if you need anything as you move through your new course.

Juliana G.
I wish i could hace more movement since the begining.

I think we need yo be more practical because we read a lot, and i think is better to be more active instead


Are textbooks included in my enrollment fee? Answer

Yes! Your enrollment fee includes lifetime access to all of the digital textbooks you will need to complete this course.

Digital textbooks allow us to offer the most up-to-date curriculum, give you immediate access to the materials, plus offer portability across devices.

We understand that learning styles and preferences vary. If you are interested in purchasing physical textbooks in addition to the digital textbooks that are included in your course enrollment fee, you can find a complete book list within your online student learning platform.

What is the enrollment fee to become an AFPA Certified Personal Trainer? Answer

The price for AFPA Certification varies depending on the certification course chosen. Please review the individual certification courses for the prices. These prices include all course materials and one final examination fee.

Are There Payment Plans? Answer

Select Affirm at checkout to split your purchase into monthly payments starting at 0% APR with no hidden fees.

Pick the loan that fits your budget and make payments over three, six, or 12 months. Our payment plans offer instant approval and are safe and secure.

Learn more

Investing in your education is an investment in your future, and we are committed to supporting you every step of the way. Whether you’re looking to advance your career as a holistic nutritionist or embark on a new professional path, we hope our payment plans make it a little easier for you to pursue your goals.

What are the course qualifications? Answer

To qualify for the Personal Trainer Certification program, you must:

  • Be at least 18 years of age.
  • Have a solid understanding of the English language.

Exam Requirements:

  • You need a minimum final exam grade of 85% to pass.
    A $75.00 retest fee will apply.

After successful completion, you will earn the title of “Certified Personal Trainer.”

How fast can I get my Personal Trainer Certification? Answer

The speed at which you can obtain your AFPA Certified Personal Trainer certification depends on several factors, including your individual circumstances, educational background, study habits, and commitment. However, most individuals can achieve certification competence in less than six months when dedicating 7-10 hours of study per week.

The flexibility of the AFPA Certified Personal Trainer program allows candidates to progress at their own pace. This means that completion time can vary widely from person to person. It’s important to consider your educational background and reading and writing skills, as these can influence how quickly you grasp the course material.

If you are dedicated and commit to consistent studying, it’s entirely feasible to become a competent Certified Personal Trainer in a relatively short timeframe. Setting aside 7-10 hours per week for study and coursework is a reasonable guideline for achieving this goal.

How hard is it to become a Certified Personal Trainer? Answer

Becoming a certified personal trainer is a challenging yet achievable goal, and the difficulty of the process can vary from person to person. The journey to becoming a Certified Personal Trainer often depends on individual dedication, prior knowledge, and study habits.

While becoming a certified personal trainer is attainable, it does require a commitment to studying and understanding the course material. The self-paced nature of AFPA’s programs, along with the opportunity for a retest, provides candidates with the flexibility to overcome challenges and successfully earn their certification. Ultimately, with dedication and effort, individuals can achieve their goal of becoming a Certified Personal Trainer.

What qualifications do I need to be a personal trainer? Answer

To become an AFPA Certified Personal Trainer, you need the following qualifications:

  • High School Education: You should have at least a high school diploma or its equivalent.
  • Age Requirement: You must be at least 18 years old.
  • Desire to Help: A sincere desire to help others achieve their fitness goals is essential.
  • AFPA Certification: Complete AFPA’s certification program, which covers key topics and practical training.
  • Pass Certification Exam: Successfully pass AFPA’s certification exam to demonstrate your competence.

These qualifications ensure you have the knowledge, skills, and commitment to excel as a Personal Trainer through AFPA, a respected organization in the fitness and wellness industry.

What are the cons of being a personal trainer? Answer

While a career as a personal trainer offers numerous rewards, it also comes with its share of challenges and drawbacks. One of the primary cons is the irregular income. Many personal trainers work on a freelance basis or are employed in part-time positions, which can result in an inconsistent paycheck.

Additionally, building a client base and establishing a reputation in the field can take time and effort, making it challenging for beginners to secure a stable income. The physically demanding nature of the job can also be a drawback, as trainers often need to demonstrate exercises and spot clients during workouts, which can lead to fatigue and the risk of injury.

Managing and retaining clients can also be challenging, as individuals may have different fitness goals, preferences, and schedules.

Lastly, personal trainers often work early mornings, evenings, and weekends to accommodate clients’ availability, which can impact work-life balance.

Despite these cons, many trainers find the rewards of helping clients achieve their fitness goals to be personally fulfilling and motivating.

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